Unfortunately, homeowners and building managers usually don’t discover a roof leak until it starts to rain. Once water has started seeping inside, the first and most important step is to make an appointment for professional roof repair as quickly as possible. In the meantime, however, there are steps you can take to contain a leak and prevent further damage.

Get the Excess Water Under Control

Whether in a RESIDENTIAL or commercial space, roof leaks tend to begin as soggy patches in the ceiling, which indicate that water is pooling into one location. Instead of waiting for that water to reach an easy escape point—for example, a light fixture or an air vent—find what appears to be the wettest, most vulnerable spot and poke a hole there. This will allow the water to drain out into a bucket before it has a chance to spread out and cause further damage.

Find the Water’s Point of Entry

As long as it’s still raining, it will likely be difficult to stop a leak in its tracks before roof repair professionals arrive. But check out the attic nonetheless, and try to find the portion of the ceiling that’s causing the problem. Since a leak in the roof may not perfectly align with a leak in the ceiling, you might not be able to discern the exact location of the problem, but you’ll be able to contain more excess water and direct the repair expert to the leak.

Try a Temporary Fix​​

If you can see where the water is getting in from the damaged roof, there may be a few temporary repairs you can make while waiting for help to arrive. Products such as roofing cement, tarps, and waterproof tape can be useful in a pinch, and they can be found at any home improvement store. The key is to minimize water damage inside until the roof can be repaired permanently.

Southeastern Roofing & Construction offers Central and Southwest Florida residents and businesses a wide range of roofing services, including emergency repairs. To learn more about our services and areas of expertise, book your free inspection or call (844) 473-7663.